Wednesday, December 11, 2013

YA WE DANCE Convention Feb.21st

Ya… We Dance!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Princess Margaret Secondary (12870 72 Ave, Surrey)

Ya.. We Dance! is a dance convention for students and teachers. We offer three different levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. We offer a variety of dance genres and you get to choose three different classes. The teacher conference price is $50 and it is $30 for students. Come dance and have fun on your professional development day!

Large Gym
Small Gym
Small Studio
9:00 - 9:30

9:35 - 9:50


10:00 - 11:00

Lcoking - Advanced
Jazz- Intermediate
Grooving and Hip Hop Fundamentals - Beginner

Kim Sato
11:15 - 12:15

Breaking - Beginner
Lyrical - Advanced
Popping Isolation Choreo - Intermediate

Savage Rock
12:30 - 1:30

Hip Hop - Intermediate
Breaking Advanced
Locking - Beginner

Savage Rock
Kim Sato

Registration is first come first serve. So please register early to get the classes that you want.
To register please visit this Google Document:
Please make cheques out to: Surrey Secondary Dance Teachers’ Association
Please send cheques to:    North Surrey Secondary c/o Shirley Clements

            15945 96 Ave, Surrey, BC V4N 2R8

Monday, November 18, 2013

Dance Company Schedule

Week of Nov.18-22nd.  Please be prepared to stay until 5pm once a week from now on.

Monday: Lyrical 3:15-5pm (studio)
            Senior 3:15-4:15 (theater)

Tuesday: Junior 3:15-5pm

Wednesday:  Senior 3:15-5pm 

Thursday (early dismissal): Lyrical review 1:30-2pm & Junior 2-3pm

Week of Nov.25-29th.   (I will be away, but my TOC will be here)

Monday:  Lyrical 3:15-4:30pm (studio)
              Senior 3:15-4:15pm (theater)

Tuesday: Junior 3:15-4:30pm

Wednesday: Senior 3:15-4:30pm

Thursday: Musical dancers 3:15-4:30pm (Savannah teaching)  studio

Week of Dec.2nd-6th

Monday: Lyrical 3:15-5pm (studio)
             Senior 3:15-4:15 (theater)

Tuesday: Junior 3:15-5pm

Wednesday: Senior 3:15-5pm

Thursday:  Musical 3:15-4:30pm (savannah teaching)

Friday: Sullivan performance! (during class), Lyrical, junior, senior performing.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Drop in classes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are so lucky to live in Vancouver and have some of the best dance instructors in the industry teaching on a regular basis!  Take advantage of this and take as many classes as you can!  Start with a class you’re comfortable with and work your way up or try something totally new to challenge yourself!
All dance company members are required to attend a minimum of 1 drop in class per month.  You must document it (video, photo, copy of receipt, etc), and write a description of the class and your personal opinion and thoughts about it and your experience. 

Here are a list of 3 studios that offer drop in classes . . .
Praise Team has drop in hip hop classes on Tuesdays! (ages 13-18)
-          7:45pm-9:00pm
-         $5, or $2 if you bring a non-perishable food item!
-          Located at Don Bosco Youth Centre (10461 140th St)
-         Teachers rotate between Ervinn T and Anthony G

Studio 604 has various drop in classes throughout the week.  Check facebook and/or twitter to find out who’s teaching and when!
-         $10 per class
-         Located in Burnaby (6889 Sellers Ave, Sellers & Dorest) near Royal Oak station.

Harbour Dance Centre offers the biggest selection of drop in classes in Vancouver
-          Hip hop, grooving, jazz, ballet, lyrical, tap, Broadway, burlesque, etc.
-         Located downtown…Granville St. station, walk up Granville st, left side.
-         Various levels, intro (beginner) to level 3 (professional)
-         Various promotions . . . new students get 3 classes for $30!
-         Awesome summer intensive classes!!!!!!


Monday, October 21, 2013

Dance Portfolio info

Dance Company and Gr.12 class online portfolio info:

-  Dance portfolio (a collection of all things dance!)
-  Use any online program you like
-  Send Ms.B a link to your "blog" portfolio every month
-  Complete the required components each month (journal questions, assignments, etc)
-  Keep adding items to your portfolio throughout the semester/year (eg. dance photos, fav youtubes, quotes, accomplishments, dance in your community, etc)

Click on the link below for an example AND the required journal questions    (click on the top left hand corner to see the Journal Questions page)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Dance Wear still available!!!

Please bring exact cash or cheque (made out to panorama ridge secondary)

limited sizes available

$5 off if you buy 2 or more items!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Year End showcase June 11th

Tuesday, June 11th
7:00pm in large gym

Tickets $5 each
(from any dancer, Ms.B, school store, or at the door

Showcase info

Year-End Info
Dear parents/guardians,
As our school year comes to a close I would like to remind you of a few important details… Students have been working very hard all semester in preparation for our year-end showcase on Tuesday, June 11th.  This is their “final exam” and should be treated with high importance.  Students need to be prepared and on-time for this event for it to run smoothly.  Parents, friends and family are all invited to watch the show and support our dancers.  It’s always more enjoyable to perform for a full house!  Please see the information below to help you and your child prepare for this event:
Tuesday, June 11th:  Dance Showcase and Awards
-           ALL dancers/students need to be in the small gym at 5:15pm with hair and make-up done and costumes organized.  (attendance will be taken)
-          Finale rehearsal in the large gym at 5:30pm with all students/dancers.

* Students can either stay at the school on Tuesday and get ready (they must have all their costumes), or they can go home and come back by 5:15pm.

-          Tickets are $5.00 each (kids 6yrs and under are free)
-          Tickets can be purchased from your child, Ms. B, or school store all week
-          Tickets will also be on sale at the door.  Also 50/50 draw, door prize, giveaways.
-          (All proceeds go directly to the Dance Fundraising account which helps pay for scholarships, field trips, transportation, costumes, guest teachers, competition fees)

-          Family/friends can line-up outside the gym to get seats…doors open at 6:45pm
-          Show starts at 7:00pm…no intermission…should be over around 8:45pm.
-          Costumes! (shoes, accessories, props, etc)
-          Hair and makeup (if dance requires it)
-          WATER!  Eat a nutritious meal before the show!  Bring snacks. Stay hydrated!
-          Positive attitude and lots of energy!  J
Please check the facebook page and/or blog for updates                                                                 Ms. Branham

Friday, April 5, 2013

Dance Company KELOWNA TRIP

A few reminders for tomorrow...Saturday, April 6th

*Several people have NOT handed in their Inno8 permission forms!  You can't perform without it!
(Marlon, Jovolynn, William, Jasmine, Aisha, Narayan, Andrew, Gabby, Breanna, Bivaik, Dedi, Christian)

*Dedi I need your trio music ASAP!  please email it to me! (bring it on your ipod as a back up)

-  Be at the school and ready to go by 7:00am...quick bag check and we load onto the bus.
-  Boys meet at Fleetwood by 7:20am...bag check by Ms. L
-  Shower before we leave...probably won't be time before the competition
-  Please bring ALL costumes/shoes/hair/makeup stuff
-  Pack water/snacks/lunch with you...there may NOT be time to get food in Merrit
-  Bring some cash to to the competition...theres a concession
-  Dinner is already paid for.  Breakfast is also included.
-  All school rules one is permitted to leave the hotel after the competition for any reason. 
-  Please be respectful and friendly to other students, dancers, teachers.
-  Please respect the bus, hotel and school.  Clean up after yourselves! 
-  Noise complaints in the hotel may result in a fine and/or reprucussions from the principal.

See you all tomorrow morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jenny Branham
Dance 8-12
Ecole Panorama Ridge Secondary
13220 64th Ave
Surrey, B.C
V3W 1X9
Phone:  604-595-8890
Fax:  604-595-8891

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pandemonium info

Thursday, March 14th
·         Students are responsible for their own way there and back!  Please arrange rides/carpool and/or take transit in groups.  (see maps)
·         Please bring all your costumes/hair/makeup/shoes to school in the morning so you are ready to go after school!
·         Bring your go-card or ID to sign in.  No in and outs.  Bring food/water with you!
·         All school rules apply . . . please be respectful of other students/teachers
·         Keep valuables with you at all times! 
Where:  John Oliver Secondary  (530 E 41st Ave, Vancouver)…Just off East 41st and Fraser Street

When:  Students are excused from their class on Thursday at 2:15-2:30pm.  They are expected to be in all their classes on Thursday and Friday.  No exceptions!

-           Dancers need to arrive by 4:15pm!  Rehearsal starts at 5:00pm. 
-          Doors open at 6:30pm (for parents/friends)  Show starts at 7:00pm

Approximately competition times:
-          Senior Duo (Pow’s) @ 7:30pm
-          Senior Team @ 7:50pm
-          Junior Team @ 8:10pm
-          Junior Trio @ 8:55pm
-          Small Team @ 9:35pm

* Students may leave if they want after they are done performing…please notify Ms.B

Tickets:  everyone gets 1 free ticket… after that, tickets are $5.00 at the door.

- Ms. Branham

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Swan Lake field trip this Wednesday!

Dance students will be going on a field trip this Wednesday, Feb.27th to see a dress rehearsal of Swan Lake performed by the National Ballet of China.  This is a very special opportunity to see a classical ballet performed by professional dancers.

Students should have all gotten their permission forms signed and handed in their $3 for the bus

Students are to leave class at 12:45pm, meet in dance room for attendance, bus leaves at 1pm
Show will be over by 3:30pm, we should be back at the school around 4:30pm.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dance Wear is for sale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please pay with cash or cheque made out to "Panorama Ridge Secondary"

Friday, February 1, 2013

Welcome to semester 2!

Dear parents/guardians,

               Your son or daughter is enrolled in a dance course this semester.  Please have a look at their course outline, notices and important events list to help them be successful in this class. 
There will be several events and performances that are essential to the dance program and your child’s education.  Dance is a performance art so performing is a large part of a dance student’s growth and progress.  Students are marked on their preparation as well as their behavior and skills at these events.  Please make note of these important dates and to help ensure your child’s attendance.  If there are any conflicts please inform me as soon as possible.
“It is the policy of the Fine Arts Department at Ecole Panorama Ridge Seconday that all students enrolled in a performance course (music, dance or drama) will participate in all performances that the class is taking part in.  Performances are considered to be exams in these courses and missing a performance may result in a considerable drop in the student’s course mark.”

-       If a student knows in advance that they are unable to participate, they must inform the teacher as soon as possible.
-       If a student is ill on the day of a performance, they must call the school as soon as possible and bring a note from a parent/doctor upon return to school.
-       A student may receive a zero for the missed performance if he/she does not complete a make-up assignment or test.

Panorama Performing Arts Department

Students will be sent home notices and reminders of upcoming important events.  I will also always post these notices online as well.  Please check the dance blog and Facebook page regularly for up to date information.  I will also post class videos and photos on here as well.
Facebook page: “Panorama Ridge Dance”
§  Ms J. Branham

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

OUTBREAK notice to parents!

Saturday, Jan.19th

Dear parents/guardians,
Your son/daughter is participating in the 17th annual Outbreak High School Dance Competition put on by the Surrey Dance Teachers Association this Saturday!  This is a fun, family friendly event that showcases some of Surrey’s best talent!  The students have all been working very hard this semester to prepare for this competition.  This is their final performance and goes towards their “performance” mark worth 35% of their grade.  There are no excuses for absences…please cancel any appointments, sports games, work etc.  Students have had more than 3 months’ notice for this event.  Please read the following information to help your son/daughter to be prepared and on time. 

·          North Surrey Secondary (15945 96 Avenue)

·         All dancers MUST arrive by 10:40am! 
·         Registration entrance is left side of the building
·         On stage practice is at 11:00am in the gym
·         Parents/friends are NOT allowed into the building during this time.
·         Show starts at 1:00pm . . . doors will open around 12:30pm for audience
·         Tickets are $10 each from Ms. B or at the door.
·         Students may leave after they perform…or preferably stay and cheer on Panorama!  The show will be over around 4:00-4:15pm.
·         All school rules apply…students are permitted to leave but their bags will be searched again upon re-entry.
·         Students can bring some extra cash for the concession, clothing, and apparel.

Any questions or concerns please contact me as soon as possible.  Check the blog for more information including show line-up for Saturday.
Miss Branham