Wednesday, January 16, 2013

OUTBREAK notice to parents!

Saturday, Jan.19th

Dear parents/guardians,
Your son/daughter is participating in the 17th annual Outbreak High School Dance Competition put on by the Surrey Dance Teachers Association this Saturday!  This is a fun, family friendly event that showcases some of Surrey’s best talent!  The students have all been working very hard this semester to prepare for this competition.  This is their final performance and goes towards their “performance” mark worth 35% of their grade.  There are no excuses for absences…please cancel any appointments, sports games, work etc.  Students have had more than 3 months’ notice for this event.  Please read the following information to help your son/daughter to be prepared and on time. 

·          North Surrey Secondary (15945 96 Avenue)

·         All dancers MUST arrive by 10:40am! 
·         Registration entrance is left side of the building
·         On stage practice is at 11:00am in the gym
·         Parents/friends are NOT allowed into the building during this time.
·         Show starts at 1:00pm . . . doors will open around 12:30pm for audience
·         Tickets are $10 each from Ms. B or at the door.
·         Students may leave after they perform…or preferably stay and cheer on Panorama!  The show will be over around 4:00-4:15pm.
·         All school rules apply…students are permitted to leave but their bags will be searched again upon re-entry.
·         Students can bring some extra cash for the concession, clothing, and apparel.

Any questions or concerns please contact me as soon as possible.  Check the blog for more information including show line-up for Saturday.
Miss Branham