Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Drop in classes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are so lucky to live in Vancouver and have some of the best dance instructors in the industry teaching on a regular basis!  Take advantage of this and take as many classes as you can!  Start with a class you’re comfortable with and work your way up or try something totally new to challenge yourself!
All dance company members are required to attend a minimum of 1 drop in class per month.  You must document it (video, photo, copy of receipt, etc), and write a description of the class and your personal opinion and thoughts about it and your experience. 

Here are a list of 3 studios that offer drop in classes . . .
Praise Team has drop in hip hop classes on Tuesdays! (ages 13-18)
-          7:45pm-9:00pm
-         $5, or $2 if you bring a non-perishable food item!
-          Located at Don Bosco Youth Centre (10461 140th St)
-         Teachers rotate between Ervinn T and Anthony G

Studio 604 has various drop in classes throughout the week.  Check facebook and/or twitter to find out who’s teaching and when!
-         $10 per class
-         Located in Burnaby (6889 Sellers Ave, Sellers & Dorest) near Royal Oak station.

Harbour Dance Centre offers the biggest selection of drop in classes in Vancouver
-          Hip hop, grooving, jazz, ballet, lyrical, tap, Broadway, burlesque, etc.
-         Located downtown…Granville St. station, walk up Granville st, left side.
-         Various levels, intro (beginner) to level 3 (professional)
-         Various promotions . . . new students get 3 classes for $30!
-         Awesome summer intensive classes!!!!!!

-         http://www.harbourdance.com/

Monday, October 21, 2013

Dance Portfolio info

Dance Company and Gr.12 class online portfolio info:

-  Dance portfolio (a collection of all things dance!)
-  Use any online program you like
-  Send Ms.B a link to your "blog" portfolio every month
-  Complete the required components each month (journal questions, assignments, etc)
-  Keep adding items to your portfolio throughout the semester/year (eg. dance photos, fav youtubes, quotes, accomplishments, dance in your community, etc)

Click on the link below for an example AND the required journal questions
http://dancerchicky.tumblr.com/    (click on the top left hand corner to see the Journal Questions page)