Thursday, April 24, 2014

Breakout 2014 line-up

BREAKOUT 2014 (Saturday, April 26th)  12pm start.  @ Chandos Pattison Theatre

Panel “A” Judges: Ervinn Tangco, Lauren Taylor,
                                Amanda Henderson, Teya Wild

1. Panorama Ridge (A) - “World Tour”
3. Queen Elizabeth – “Danger love”
5. Fleetwood Park – “Mariah Carey”
7. Panorama Ridge (B) – “Rugrats”
9. Frank Hurt – “Boombastic”

11. Sullivan Heights – “You can't sit with us"
13. Fraser Heights – “Carnival”                                                                       
15. Tamanawis                                                                                   
17.Frank Hurt(A)–“Freshly baked                                                                                                                           
19. Semiahmoo                         muffins”                                   
21. Queen Elizabeth
23. Princess Margaret – “Pimp my ride”                                        
25. Panorama Ridge – “Puttin on the ritz”                                                    
27. Frank Hurt (B) – “The symphony”
28. Fleetwood Park – “Jr. Chickens”
29. Enver Creek – “Alice in Wonderland”
30. Sullivan Heights – “Elements”
                                                                            (details on back of program)      
JUNIOR HIP HOP continued
31. North Surrey – “Best of the 90’s”                                                                                                                                                            
33. Lord Tweedsmuir – “It’s going down”                                                                                  

35. North Surrey                                                                                 
37. Sullivan Heights – ‘Aphrodite”
39. Princess Margaret – “Bhangra”                                                
41. Lord Tweedsmuir – “Bhangra”                                                                   
43. Guildford Park – “Bhangra”                                                                                                                   
45. Tamanawis – “Bollywood team”
47. Pleasant Valley – “Hunger games”          
49. Rutland – “Ever after”                                               
51. Enver Creek- “Holy Grail”                                       

                                    PART 2 – ADVANCED BREAK BATTLE & AWARDS
Panel “B” Judges: Katheryn Schellenberg, Roberta Bierman,
                                 Navid Charka, Kenny Mugisha

2. Lord Tweeedsmuir – “Divas”                                                                                                                                                                                                 
4. Panorama Ridge – “Fine China”                                                                      
6. Queen Elizabeth – “Latch”                                                                                                     
8. Fleetwood Park – “Summer theme”
10. North Surrey – “Spanish fusion”

12. Enver Creek

14. Princess Margaret – “Lovely day”
16. Enver Creek
18. Sullivan Heights (A) – “Pop, drop & roll”
20. Frank Hurt – “Bad Gal Ri Ri”
22. North Surrey - `Mirrors``
24. Sullivan Heights (B) – “Latch”
26. Fleetwood Park – “Fresh Prince, Will Smith

32. Panorama Ridge
34. Pleasant Valley – “Big Bang theory

36. Rutland – “Off their rockers”
38. Enver Creek – “Red Riding Hood”
40. Queen Elizabeth
42. Frank Hurt (A) – “The golden age”
44. Fraser Heights
46. North Surrey
48. Johnston Heights – “J. Hooligans”
50. Sullivan Heights – “Killin it Krew”
52. Princess Margaret –
53. Frank Hurt (B) – “Hot mess”
54. Fleetwood Park

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Upcoming events!!!

Dear parents/guardians,

Along with their teammates, your son or daughter has been working very hard over the last few months to prepare for the following events.  These events are run by me, and the Surrey Secondary Dance Teachers Association as student centered, family friendly events.  They are an amazing opportunity for our students to perform and be inspired by one another, and are essential to your child’s dance education and growth.  As this is a performing arts course, these events are mandatory and are a large part of the student’s overall evaluation.  Please read over the following events carefully and let me know if there are any issues as soon as possible.  Many times, we can work around other commitments or events your child may have.

Thursday, April 17th:  Surrey District Dance Festival
-  10:30am-1:00pm at the Bell Centre
-  District school buses will transport students
-  Free show!  Family is encouraged to come and watch.

Saturday, April 26th:  Breakout Dance Competition
-  Chandos Pattison Theatre (Pacific Academy Private School) 10238-168th st.
-  Students must arrive by 9:35am (responsible for their own transportation)
-  Show starts at 12:00pm. 
-  Classes dance first…should be done between 12:30-1pm
-  However, students are encouraged to stay and support their school for the rest of the show
-  Over around 4pm or 4:30pm
-  Breakout Bus!  $2.00 in advance.  Shuttle bus organized by teachers.
   2 drop off locations: Newtown exchange or Guildford.
-  Parents, friends and family encouraged to attend!  $10 tickets in advance, or $15 at the door.

Tuesday, June 10th:  Year End Dance Showcase!
-  7:00pm in the large gym
-  Dancers must be there by 5:00pm
-  Tickets are $5 each, $2 for children

* Please check the blog for updates:

* Please email Ms. Jensen if you have any questions:

Thank you for supporting dance and the performing arts at Panorama Ridge Secondary!